בע"ה י"ז תשרי תשפ"ה
הרשמה לניוזלטר שלנו


The Hamas Supporter, the Gun, and the Arab Security Guards - What's Going on at Shaare Zedek?

HaKol HaYehudi investigation: A Shaare Zedek's employee who was previously pictured with a gun - was arrested for allegedly supporting Hamas. Other employees now demand improving the security arrangements: “The security guards themselves are Arabs!”

  • כ"ז אלול תשפ"ד - 10:02 30/09/2024
גודל: א א א
Shaare Zedek (Yoav Dudkevitch/TPS)
Shaare Zedek (Yoav Dudkevitch/TPS)

Many likely don’t know that the Israeli healthcare system employs many Arab terror supporters. Among other incidents, a doctor at Soroka swore allegiance to ISIS and dealt with poisonous substances, weapons were found in a pharmacy in Lod, and at the Shaare Zedek Medical Center there have also been incidents.

This week, Yedidya Epstein exposed that two Arab workers from East Jerusalem employed at Shaare Zedek were photographed with various weapons. The two are Nasser Dana and his son Muhammad Dana.

Following the report, Israeli police arrested Muhammad and he was brought to a hearing where the police requested to extend his detention on suspicion of possessing weapons and firing them. However, Magistrate Court Judge Havi Toker ruled that the arrest was illegal because the police did not issue a warrant but rather arrested him immediately once he was suspected of criminal acts.

The judge released him to house arrest and prohibited him from using social networks for 60 days. During the hearing, the suspect's lawyer claimed that the arrest was made because of Yedidya Epstein’s report.

An investigation by HaKol HaYehudi revealed that Muhammad had been arrested several times in the past. One case was for assaulting and stabbing another Arab individual about 4 months ago. He was also arrested two years ago at the entrance to the Temple Mount after a police officer noticed a picture of him posing with a Hamas flag on his cell phone.

The recent events at Shaare Zedek come after long-standing concerns that many of the security guards at the hospital are Arabs. In recent days, a petition is being circulated among the hospital’s employees to the head of security at Shaare Zedek.

What the media doesn’t report

"We, the undersigned, employees of the hospital, have recently felt unsafe at work. First, the security check at the entrance to the hospital is insufficient. The security team there is largely composed of Arab security guards. That those responsible for our security are Arabs sounds like a joke...", the petition that HaKol HaYehudi obtained begins.

“Furthermore, recently an employee was fired for posts she wrote on social media. Another employee who worked for years at the hospital,  in close proximity to Jewish employees and patients, was fired for terror offenses. Yesterday it was published in the media that a cleaning worker at the hospital was arrested for possessing illegal weapons. Another person who was photographed with him holding various weapons - also works at the hospital, but was not arrested. Is this acceptable? What will prevent these workers from harming their colleagues at work exactly like what happened in the Gaza border region less than a year ago?”

“We demand more thorough background checks of the security team, including whether they served in the IDF and what training they received. We further demand that the background of every employee in the hospital be checked before being hired. Likewise, we demand that the security checkpoint at the entrance to the hospital be strict and thorough, with an emphasis on the entrance at the 6th floor, where the inspections are loose or non-existent.”

“We demand a written commitment from the hospital, that it will take immediate steps to improve security and create a safe work environment. This commitment must be backed by concrete steps that the hospital will take and a clear timeline!", concluded the petition.

In response to HaKol HaYehudi, Israel Police said: "Immediately upon receiving the complaint, an investigation was opened and the suspect was arrested. In the hearing that took place, the court ordered his release under restrictive conditions. The investigation is still ongoing".

Shaare Zedek responded to HaKol HaYehudi's inquiry stating, "The matter is under police investigation as well as an internal inquiry by Shaare Zedek. We will act according to the findings. We are committed to acting in accordance with legal guidelines and perform all background checks permitted by law when hiring new employees. We are also in contact with the Ministry of Health regarding the expansion of background checks on new employees".

Danger at the Hospital

This is not the first time that terror supporters have been found at Shaare Zedek Hospital. About six months ago, Rashdi Abu Ramuz, a Hamas activist who worked for 12 years at the Shaare Zedek Medical Center in Jerusalem, was arrested. He was convicted of distributing hundreds of thousands of shekels to families of Hamas prisoners and martyrs in Jerusalem and was sentenced to 53 years in prison. It is worth noting that he received some of the money in meetings at Shaare Zedek.

About a year and a half ago, an Arab worker employed at the Shaare Zedek Medical Center was arrested for seriously harming patients he was assigned to watch over.

The worker, a 50 year old resident of Sur Baher, was arrested following a report from Shaare Zedek that there was a suspicion that while "watching over" hospitalized patients with low functioning, he took advantage of their condition, raped them and committed serious acts against them. According to the police, the worker was employed as a contractor at the hospital for several months, and after the complaint was filed, his employment was terminated.

Similar cases were found at Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital. For example, Ahmad Alian, the terrorist who stabbed a reserve soldier at the Mazmoria checkpoint nine months ago, was employed at Ein Kerem as a cleaning worker. An investigation by HaKol HaYehudi revealed that he is also a cousin of a terrorist who murdered three Jews in a shooting attack, and his father is a known inciter in Jerusalem.

About two years ago, we exposed another Ein Kerem employee who incited to murder Jews. She was ultimately convicted and sentenced to five and a half months in prison. The Arab employee, a resident of the Jabel Mukaber neighborhood in Jerusalem, published videos in which she was seen dressed in military uniforms, masked and holding flags of various terrorist organizations. In other videos, she performed shooting exercises, and reposted videos supporting terrorists including the "Lions' Den" group from Nablus, terrorists in Jenin and Uday Tamimi who carried out an attack at the Shuafat checkpoint and murdered IDF soldier Noa Lazar.

Another case that caused an uproar was when a terrorist hospitalized in one of the departments received cakes from medical staff. According to the testimony of employees in the department, a doctor from Umm al-Fahm, Dr. Ahmad Mahajneh, brought the terrorist cakes and also blessed him.

Following the publication, Mahajneh was suspended from his work at the medical center, but after a mediation process and after two other employees took responsibility and testified that they were the ones who gave the cakes to the terrorist, the doctor was allowed to return to work.

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